How do I protect my EV charging cable from theft?

How do I protect my EV charging cable from theft?

Are you wondering how do I protect my EV charging cable from theft? You are not alone in this. Cable theft is something more and more electric vehicle owners fear these days. The fact that more people are switching to electric vehicles means these cables are seen as easy targets. Leaving your charging cable just lying out in the open can lead to its loss through theft. 

But don't you worry as this article will illustrate the simple and efficient ways of keeping your charging cable safe at home, work, or while out and about. The guide will walk you through just how to take good care of your valuable investment. 

So, let's get started. 

Why is EV charging cable theft so common?  

EV charging cable theft is a growing problem for a few reasons. First, there are more electric vehicles on the road, meaning there are more charging cables out in public, thereby making their snatch and grab so much easier to commit. 

Some charging cables are very expensive to replace, thus targeting them because thieves love easy money. Thieves might not know the worth of the cables but just see an easy target at times. 

Finally, most parking lots are not secure, and thieves do not feel at risk of getting apprehended for the cables. These could be some of the reasons, why EV charging cable theft is so common these days. 

Now let's learn how you can protect your EV charging cable. 

How do I protect my EV charging cable from theft? 

Here are some steps that you can take in order to protect EV charging cable from theft: 

Don’t Leave the Charging Cable Visible 

Whenever you are parked in a public location, avoid leaving your charging cable on the outside. Bring the cable inside upon completion of charging, if this is an option. 

Otherwise, store it in the trunk or perhaps another place in the vehicle where it can be hidden from sight. This prevents possibly drawing unneeded attention to potential thieves. 

Use a Tethered EV Charger 

If you usually charge your EV in one place, then you might want to consider a tethered EV charger. A tethered EV charger is one that has an inbuilt cable that is always attached to the charging station. 

Because the cable is permanent and cannot be detached, as such, it can't get stolen easily. Since the risk of theft is low in your home, tethered chargers work very well, and also places that have less footfall. 

Charge in a Safe Place: 

Whenever possible, charge your electric vehicle inside a locked garage, as it offers the most protection. If a garage isn’t available, try to park in a well-lit area that’s visible to others, or choose a spot that's out of sight from the street. This reduces the chances of someone noticing and stealing your charging cable.  

Install Security Cameras: 

Consider setting up a dashcam with a motion sensor or installing CCTV cameras around your charging area. These devices can act as a deterrent to potential thieves since they’re less likely to steal if they know they’re being watched. Additionally, having security footage can help provide evidence if your charging cable does get stolen. 

These are the steps you can take to prevent EV charging cable from theft. 

What to do if someone steals your EV charging cable? 

If someone steals your EV charging cable, it can be frustrating and stressful. 

Here are some steps to take right away: 

  • Report the Theft 

First of all, you should call the local police and report the theft, informing them about where exactly it occurred and roughly when. 

If there are video recordings or somebody took photos around the area where the incident happened, you should inform them about that too. A police report needs to be filed in case you have to make any claims in the future.

  • Inform Your Insurance Company 

Next, you should contact the insurance company. Many policies have theft coverage associated with it, so it is a possibility that you are covered. They will walk you through the process and tell you what they need from you. 

  • Check Local Online Marketplaces 

Sometimes stolen items are sold online. Check local web-based classifieds, online marketplaces, and social media groups to see if your cable appears for sale. If you find it, do not confront the seller; rather report it to the police. 

  • Spread the Word 

Have your local EV community and friends and family know, alongside word of mouth, about the theft. Share via social media or community forums. The more people are aware, the likelier your chances of recovering your cable. 

  • Consider Upgrading Security 

When it gets stolen, think about security measures you can adapt: using cable-locking devices, storing your cable out of sight, and investing in a tethered charger will reduce theft. 

Walk through the following steps in order to deal with the situation, as it can increase the chance of getting your stolen EV charging cable back. 

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