Adaptör CCS Combo 2 - Tip 2 Tesla Model S/X Sadece (150 kW Maks.)

İndirimli fiyat€124,99

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Adaptör sadece Tesla Model S ve Model X (AB versiyonu) için uygundur!

Bu adaptör, eski Model S / Model X'in CCS2 / Supercharger istasyonlarında şarj edilmesini sağlayacaktır. Maksimum şarj hızı 150 kW/saattir. Bu, 3 kat daha hızlı olduğu için CHAdeMO adaptöründen daha üstün bir çözümdür (CHAdeMO şarj cihazları 50 kW / s sunar). EV'lerinin hızlı şarj özelliğini kullanabilmek için 1 Mayıs 2019'dan önce üretilen araçların CCS Modülü yükseltmesi (Retrofit) yaptırması gerekir.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Great service.

Although the product I bought, an Adapter CCS 2 to Type 2 Tesla Model S/X, did not work with my car, I must give 5 stars to the company because of a great service alone.
I received the product quite quickly. However, it did not work. I contacted EVniculus store, and, after a short communication, I have received a new item. I did not even have to return the old one. Unfortunately, that one did not work either. I am now convinced that for some strange reason it was not compatible with my car. After a short period of time, I received instructions that DHL will cume by and pick up the items. It happened the next day. After approximately 5 days I have received my money back, including the shipment cost.
I think that first if something is wrong with a product you can judge if a vendor is reliable or not.
As I said before, EVniculus store, you can be proud of your service.