
The rise of electric bikes and scooters. What are the new EV tendencies?

The rise of electric bikes and scooters. What a...

Electric bikes and scooters are rapidly becoming one of the most desired modes to efficiently cover most of the city. But why? Does a question ever cross your mind, "What...

The rise of electric bikes and scooters. What a...

Electric bikes and scooters are rapidly becoming one of the most desired modes to efficiently cover most of the city. But why? Does a question ever cross your mind, "What...

How long do electric vehicles take to charge? 6 common examples

How long do electric vehicles take to charge? 6...

Are you someone who has thought about changing to an electric vehicle, yet at the same time, thought about how long do electric vehicles take to charge? You're not alone...

How long do electric vehicles take to charge? 6...

Are you someone who has thought about changing to an electric vehicle, yet at the same time, thought about how long do electric vehicles take to charge? You're not alone...

Volvo XC40 Recharge: Safety meets electric sustainability

Volvo XC40 Recharge: Safety meets electric sust...

Are you looking for that car that brings together perfect safety with ecotechnology simultaneously? Check no further from the Volvo XC40 Recharge since the world is getting so conscious about...

Volvo XC40 Recharge: Safety meets electric sust...

Are you looking for that car that brings together perfect safety with ecotechnology simultaneously? Check no further from the Volvo XC40 Recharge since the world is getting so conscious about...

What is the difference between CCS and CHAdeMO charging? Everything you should know

What is the difference between CCS and CHAdeMO ...

Updated on: 02.07.2024 CCS vs CHAdeMO: Which charging standard should you choose for your electric vehicle? The world of charging standards is confusing with electric vehicles. Are you not sure...

What is the difference between CCS and CHAdeMO ...

Updated on: 02.07.2024 CCS vs CHAdeMO: Which charging standard should you choose for your electric vehicle? The world of charging standards is confusing with electric vehicles. Are you not sure...

Top 5 government incentives boosting EV adoption

Top 5 government incentives boosting EV adoption

Maybe you are thinking of getting an EV but fretted that it comes at too exorbitant a price in relation to the chargers in your area. Well, you are not...

Top 5 government incentives boosting EV adoption

Maybe you are thinking of getting an EV but fretted that it comes at too exorbitant a price in relation to the chargers in your area. Well, you are not...

The e-Golf Evolution: Volkswagen's Step Into Electrification

The e-Golf Evolution: Volkswagen's Step Into El...

Well, ever wondered how the legend of the Volkswagen Golf will stand up to the Electric Revolution? Here's our first move into the eco-driving century: EeGolf. In this article, we...

The e-Golf Evolution: Volkswagen's Step Into El...

Well, ever wondered how the legend of the Volkswagen Golf will stand up to the Electric Revolution? Here's our first move into the eco-driving century: EeGolf. In this article, we...

En el dinámico mundo de los coches eléctricos y la industria del vehículo eléctrico, mantenerse informado y actualizado es clave para sacar el máximo partido a su experiencia con el vehículo eléctrico (VE). Nuestro EV Journal es su fuente de consulta para todo lo relacionado con la industria del coche eléctrico, los coches eléctricos, los nuevos modelos de coches eléctricos y el panorama en evolución de la tecnología de los VE.

¿Qué necesita saber sobre los vehículos eléctricos?

Nuestro EV Journal es su compañero digital en el camino hacia un futuro más ecológico y sostenible. Aquí encontrará un tesoro de información, noticias y actualizaciones sobre el sector del coche eléctrico. Cubrimos una amplia gama de temas, desde los últimos avances en tecnología de vehículos eléctricos hasta análisis en profundidad de los nuevos modelos de coches eléctricos que salen al mercado. Exploramos el mundo de los coches eléctricos desde todos los ángulos, proporcionando información valiosa sobre temas como la recarga, la autonomía, el rendimiento y el impacto medioambiental de los vehículos eléctricos. Explora nuestro EV Journal y déjanos ser tu fuente de confianza para todo lo relacionado con el coche eléctrico. Juntos, podemos impulsar un cambio positivo en el sector de los vehículos eléctricos y allanar el camino hacia un futuro más sostenible.